Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 1

In an attempt to lose weight & get healthy I have taken a crazy suggestion from two of my wonderul cousins-In addition to my new 30 min. a day work out, I will be adding BRAGG- Organic, Raw~Unfiltered, Apple Cider Vinegar to my diet.

Each morning from now until... I will wake up and add two teaspoons of this "magic juice" to 8 ounces of water, I'll have another glass mid-morning, and yet another in the afternoon.

Apparently the stuff is going to change my life; I guess we'll see.

This mornning I got out my favorite Tervis Tumbler and, as instructed, I filled it half way with crushed ice and then added my vinegar and water. My first sip was pretty nasty, yet tolerable at the same time.

...I'm still waiting on the energy boost that I am suppost to be feeling right about now?


  1. I'm with you, sister. I hope it cures our chronic fatigue among other things. Loving the blog, loving my sister. Tolerating the ACV.

  2. Courtney~ you have elevated yourself to a whole new level of cool with this blog and your willingness to try and experience the wonders of ACV. i'm quite sure it will change your life actually. i didn't notice a big difference until day 3 or 4. love you!
