Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 8

Hey, Hey- it's my 8th Day :)

I'm still feeling great- I just finished my 3rd ACV cocktail and I might sneak in a 4th later this afternoon.

I wasn't starving this morning so I decided to skip breakfast- BAD IDEA! By 10 a.m. I was working on my 2nd glass of ACV, but I was I was so hungry!! Instead of snacking on junk as I normally would, I decided to have a bowl of cereal and call it brunch.
I'll have some fruit this afternoon and then eat a decent dinner tonight. GO ME!

As of this morning the stupid needle on my scale is still aiming at 138, but I did start a new yoga program this morning called "7 days of Yoga" there is a different routine for each day of the week. I'm going to try it for 7 days and see if it'll hold my interest. We'll see?!?