Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 7

I am wishing that I wouldn't have committed to tracking my weight online, ugh- I felt really good about this yesterday, but now I'm freaking out a little bit- I guess what's done is done, and it's time to bite the bullet and just go for it...

****hmmm OR...I could lie and make it a lot more exciting for everyone... ***JUST KIDDING, but seriously- yuck, yuck,yuck- I don't want to submit this post.

Blugh---- OK so here is the HONEST TRUTH- I NEVER weigh myself- EVER, it's not something I like to do, even when I am on a diet or trying to exercise more, I have never believed that a number on a scale should make any difference as long as you are healthy and you feel good about yourself, HOWEVER- to get to my healthy place where I feel good about myself, and confident about the way I look then I will force myself (through blogging) to keep track of what number that needle points to :(

I stepped onto my cheap-o Walmart scales this morning and the needle got way too close to that 1-4-0 mark :(
My exact weight (according to my scales) was 138 this morning- there, I said it. I currently weigh one hundred and thirty-eight pounds.
I'm not going to cry and complain because there was a time when I weighed much more than this, but there was also a time *before Jake Driggers entered into this world* when I weighed much less~ anyway, as I said before I don't believe that the number on a scale defines anyone, this is simply the best way to track my success.

My ultimate goal is to lose 10 lbs. and to keep it off (that's the tricky, tricky, tricky, part~ keeping it off)

I'm not going to be in a big hurry to lose it because my personal history has proven that the faster it comes off, the faster it comes back.

I am also not going to starve myself. I like food- it's genetic; I love tasting different flavors, and exploring all kinds of food and I refuse to deny myself of that love...or onion rings :)
but I am going to try to be careful about portions and I will continue drinking my ACV at least 3x per day, in addition to exercise (which, by the way, I am still looking for a FUN way to workout- any/all suggestions are welcomed)

Believe it or not, I am a huge fan of a routine; if I can force myself to get out of bed in the a.m. and exercise each morning, this will keep my evenings free and clear, so... that's it.

Let me break it down for ya-

WEEK 1- For the past 7 days I have been drinking my ACV, I can tell a HUGE difference in my energy which (in addition to my blog) I am hoping will help me reach and maintain that goal of 128.
WEEK 2- Starting day one of week 2 (tomorrow morning) I will force myself to wake up early each day to get in some type of NEW/FUN exercise, I'll continue to drink my ACV cocktails and will make my best effort to blog at least once each week day (to keep me motivated, track my progress, and to force myself to be accountable)

Each week I'll add something new and try something different until I feel like I am the proud writer of my personal success story.

WISH ME LUCK and SEND COMMENTS- I need suggestions, and motivation from anyone that has anything to say!!


  1. I think that it is awesome that you have taken on this lifestyle change for you and no one else. Good for you! I look forward to hearing how the ACV works as related to weight loss. As far as working out goes, have you tried on a real bike outside, as opposed to a stationary? The Swamp Rabbit Trail really is a nice, serene place to go and it is open from dawn till dusk so you could go whenever you wanted...morning or evening. Good luck!

  2. Yeah, do you feel about biking?

    JK, While I refuse with a capital R-E-F-U-S-E to reveal my weight to anyone without and MD after their name, I will tell you that I am down 2 lbs since Monday. Loving this ACV!

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, Angela-
    I think I would be interested in biking the Swamp Rabbit Trail?!?
    In refrence to my sisters comment; I must admit that I get more than a little frustrated with the bikers on the main roads (you know, the ones that refuse to move over an inch even when there is a line of 20 cars waiting to pass) but a trail might fun... I'll try it! Thanks again!

  4. Oh, and CONGRATS Sissy!! Keep us posted :)

    Court MD

  5. This is great, Courtney! I too am trying to get some weight off. I use to have a clean eating life style that I did for many years, but somehow got away from in the past year or so. Last week I went back to clean eating and started riding the Swamp Rabbit Trail and In a week and a half I have dropped 5 lbs! I do ride the trail with my husband to keep me company. On Tuesday I rode 19 miles! I couldn't believe it. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I try to ride four times a week. Anyway, good luck!

  6. The trail is really nice and you just have to watch out for us runners! I would NEVER bike or run along these crazy 2 lane roads...both for the sake of myself and the frustration level of the drivers! :)
