Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 14

So i am totally skipping Day 13, I know, but day 14 started out sooo mega-exciting that I can't even focus on Day 13 anymore.
Let me just say (BRAGGING, LOL) that I might have a magical fairy living in my scales, OR this new ACV/eating right/exercising kick I'm on might actually be working.

I woke up this morning to my same old regular routine; took a shower, brushed my teeth, woke Jake up, blah, blah, blah, and then I stepped on the scales and DO YOU KNOW WHAT??? The little needle that I curse so often was BELOW the 130 mark. Can you even believe it?? I couldn't, and still can't!
I felt so awesome that I pulled out one of my cutsie SIZE 6 skirts out of my closet and YEP, IT FIT!

I feel so good and sooo energetic! I wish I would have known about ACV forever ago.

There is NO reason or excuse not to drink your ACV cocktails.


  1. CONGRATS!! I'm so proud of you!!

  2. Thanks! I am soo excited :)
    Have you started drinking it yet?
    If not, you gotta try it!!!

    LOVE YA!

  3. I want to, but haven't slowed down enough to get to the grocery...guess that's a sure sign that I need to be drinking that stuff!!
